So I had to run into town really quickly to sort some stuff out today, and I was a bit fed up of doing the basic side-bun.
I remembered that I'm planning to do a puff but twisting the hair left out into a kind of.. nest-like style lol.. Then I wondered how it would look if I added that edge to the side-bun that I always seem to do with my headscarf. Because I'm so into this ultra-protection thing during this cold season, I always have a headscarf on. I've looked at some tutorials of different headscarf styles but only few really tickled my fancy. I've been getting bored of the same old style, so I'm wondering what else I can do with these head scarfs of mine..
Not sure how I feel about it. I'll probably do it again though!
I had a satin scarf on underneath. If you're in the south of England at the moment, you'll know how harsh these strong, cold winds are getting!
The camera angle didn't do it justice in the picture above. Looks a bit too bulky!
Next post should be the twisted puff hairstyle that I'm planning to do next Saturday, providing I can actually pull it together..
..But expect the unexpected I guess!