I was itching (literally) to give my hair a wash over the weekend but have had next to no time to do it!
So I finally made time today and washed my hair. Here's the shampoo I used:
But just as I was about to dampen my hair.. I remembered that a couple of people have recently wondered what's up with my stagnant hair updates! So I thought this would be the best time to do a length check.
As you can see from my previous blogs, I've been plaiting my hair up a lot. It saves time in the long run, and it's protective. I really didn't think that my hair was growing as quickly as it has before.. But then I did a length check and the results were pretty comforting!
20/09/2011 - 1 year 1 month after my BC, and we're at 8(point something) inches!
Protective styling has definitely been my friend.
After my wash, I moisturised my hair (VERY LIGHTLY) with some olive oil and pink lotion (which I never use - I try to keep it natural).
It's currently plaited up while it dries, and then I'm just going to twist it up and moisturise it with my (previously mentioned) concoction and some of my home made curly custard as I go along. I'm hoping this will last about a week for a nice defined twist out for an upcoming send-off that I'll be going to.
So there you have it! A quick, kinda boring, update.. But I hope it's been helpful/encouraging to some of you.
'Til next time!x