Welcome to my natural hair!

The struggles and successes of my natural hair (journey)!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Vitamin H (Biotin) Hair Growth Challenge

"Hair mainly consists of a protein named keratin also present in nails. Vitamin H which is popularly known as Biotin produces keratin. This is why it is also known as ‘Hair Vitamin’. It promotes cell growth and metabolism that helps in hair growth and prevents brittle, fragile hair."

Although the paragraph above is quite badly written, the content is correct.

After watching Reniece's totally inspiring hair journey, which can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCg_VZU9g0Q&feature=plcp
I realised that I seem to have a pretty fast hair growth rate, but the length of my hair isn't reaching its full potential due to my lack of vitamin intake and moisturising. Sometimes your body may reveal in other areas what may be affecting your hair growth (i.e. nails, skin, etc). I'm glad I did some self-examination and was able to pinpoint two probable causes of my increasing hair breakage!! :(

So today I chopped off about half an inch of my hair to get rid of my many split ends in an attempt to prevent any further breakage, leaving its length somewhere between 12 and 12.5 inches. Here is a picture that I just took:

Increasing the moisture of my dry hair will be quite simple to fix. It will only take more effort on my part to moisturise it on a daily basis (if need be). However, now that I've realised that I may have a lack of vitamin H in my diet, I've decided to pay more attention to what I ingest in order to promote healthy hair growth. To see what difference this could make, I'll be incorporating Vitamin H (Biotin) supplements into my diet for about a month and a half (because that's as long as the amount I've bought will last for)!

I'll be back in 1.5 months with pictures and, hopefully, progress! If I have any groundbreaking news between then and now, I'll post an early update.

Much love and many blessings!
Rachel x